
Trumpet, Trombone and PBuzz


The pBuzz is the perfect introduction to brass and we hope to begin teaching on this instrument soon so we can inspire the next generation of Brass players. Perhaps you could help us teach it?


Why not ask an adult to help give your instrument a bath? Every now and again it needs it. This must not be attempted without knowing you have the right equipment, so watch the videos first.

If playing trumpet, be sure you have oil and slide grease to apply when you put it back together or you'll have an instrument with more problems than before it was washed! You can buy supplies on online and have them delivered....

Buzzing and Tonguing

Keep you embouchure alive because it's the most important skill you have. 

Try these suggested online links.

Trumpet Mouthpiece Buzzing

Using your tongue properly on brass instruments - equally important on trombone and trumpet

Trumpet Lessons

These are short lessons about different aspects of playing. See if you can do all these things.

Sight Reading 

(all Bs are flat in the key signature)

Something unusual to try

Reading Music - Trumpet Players

These links and resources are useful to develop your notation reading.

DoReMiNotas - Practise reading music in this game. Trumpet players, you should choose treble clef, select how many different notes to test yourself on and see if you can beat your own score. Tell me how well you do! Download this from your App Store.

Revise this before you try the App.
Revise this before you try the App.

Music Theory Practise: Grades 1 - 5.

Trombone Lessons

Here are some suggested links to good online trombone lessons

Bb and F - 1st two notes

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