
Electronic Piano and Keyboards

Blues Chords

Practise playing 3 finger chords in these sequences. 

Play along with this backing track in G. There are 4 clicks before you begin.

It uses the 12 Bar Blues in G, so chords: G C D. Remember D chords need F#s.

Blues in C:  C F G chords    

(There's an intro for the first 13 seconds.)

Play / Miss / Play / Miss / Play


Fun ways to test yourself.

DoReMiNotas - Practise reading music in this game. Choose treble or bass clef, select how many different notes to test yourself on and see if you can beat your own score. Tell me how well you do!

Useful Resources

To help you with reading music in both the left and right hands. Click on each one to take a closer look.

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